Is there anything more exciting than buying a Lonely Planet and starting the trip-planning process? I think not!
The plan to go to New Zealand has been scrapped because its just too ding dang expensive down there and I want to have some scrilla left over after. Instead, I will be going to...South America! (Cue Pink Martini's song "Brazil" right here.)
It was slightly surreal to be in the middle of Seoul, flipping through "South America on a Shoestring" and it makes me wonder if I'm becoming one of those travel people who is never going to come home for any long period of time. It definitely made me pause and think but I'm itching to come home and start working towards saving the world again. I just want to have a little fun before I do that.
So far, the rough idea for the trip is to spend January in Argentina, February in Brazil, and March in Chile. I think this is going to change but I know I want to stay along the coasts and I really really want to go to Easter Island because seriously? How cool would that be? Man, I am so excited about this and I have 7 months to go. I know I should slow my roll but this is going to get me through teaching the little a-holes and dealing with the every day stress of being in Korea. Knowing my reward is 3 months of chilling on beaches will be a huge help!
People are more than welcome to join me on this trip...the more, the merrier!