First trip was to Busan, at the southern tip of the Korean peninsula. I went with Jennefer and Maria and we got to stay at a kick ass love motel. The beach was great, although cloudy and a wee bit windy. I got to eat some good sashimi and fall asleep on the beach, which was the purpose of the trip :)
We had a kick-ass Canada party that had us banned from having any more parties on our sad. It was worth it though because it also was Jen's housewarming. Ah, it was good fun. I won mad money off Justin playing a (sometimes violent) GoStop tournament. Here's some pictures from that and some random summer fun pics.
My birthday weekend was pretty kick ass. On the actual night, a few of us went to dinner at my favorite hof to eat pajon and drink dongdongju, my favorite Korean booze. Craig and Justin said that if I finished an entire bowl to myself, they'd tell people I'm 24 indefinitely . It wasn't pretty but I managed to put the bowl down. The next couple of days a whole bunch of us went to the beach on the west coast for mudfest. The mud is supposed to be good for you and you paint your body and dry out in the sun while enjoying cass and the ocean. It was a lot of fun and I was very sad to have to come home.
A couple of weeks later at the end of July, Victoria, my old roommate from Seattle, came out for a visit. We had 9 days of insanity. She brought with her homemade cookies from Neil, our other Seattle roommate and Justin's BFF, and Black Butte Porter, the most delicious porter ever. It was amazing.
We saw what feels like everything in Seoul and I got to do a lot of touristy stuff I hadn't gotten around to. It was so much fun and her visit ended way too soon.
Now things still kinda bumpin'. Paige and I are in training for the Seoul marathon, I'm switching jobs, Justin leaves for his huge Asian trip (and I get the big room in the apartment...assah!), and I've discovered the swimming pool next to the Han river. Still plenty to do but I will be a bit better about the blog posts!
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