Monday, 17 December 2007

Three Cheers for Procrastination

Ugh, it's time to write student reviews. Seriously, what can I write about a three year old?! So far they're all "Seung Yeon is a very good student. She really likes the Hokey Pokey." Gaaaah!!

Since this is due tomorrow and it's already 6 pm and I've got a bunch to write, I thought this would be a wonderful time to write a blog entry. I kinda enjoyed writing the reviews when I taught middle schoolers because I could be scathing, so long as I put it in the "shit sandwich." An example:

"Hyeon Su is very smart but he lacks focus and is not doing as well as he could be. He is easily distracted during class and loses concentration. He also needs to work on completing class homework assignments and blended learning assignments. Hyeon Su is strong, however, in grammar application and does better on that part of the weekly tests."

You can't talk poo about 3-5 year olds, try as I might. Sigh.

I leave for the States in less than a week and as a result, I'm running around trying to get bills paid, rent taken care of, flights within the States booked, etc. etc. It's all a big headache and I've got lists everywhere and very little is getting ticked off. I've got to train my subs, pack (sweet Jesus!) and finish my Christmas shopping. Thank goodness Koreans get Election Day off and I don't have to work on Wednesday. What a great system.

I'm hosting a roast dinner at my place the Saturday before I leave. I'm pretty excited about it, the army base does a good turkey dinner. We ordered it last year and it was really nice. Craig, my next door neighbor, is going to make eggnog (it was AMAZING last year) and I'm going to make a ton of chocolate chip cookies to supplement the pumpkin pie. It'll be a nice send-off.

In January, when I get back, I'm going to start gumdo lessons! I'm really excited about this. My friend Dan has been taking lessons for about a year and he's going to take me to his hagwan. I'll have to start with the little kids but I think that'll be part of the fun. For those of you who don't know, gumdo is like the Korean version of kendo. I'll have a great big sword and I'll know how to use it!

Ok, official at-home dates are: San Francisco December 23rd to January 2nd and Seattle Jan. 3rd to Jan. 8th. On the 8th, I'm going down to Portland for the day. I've got no one's phone numbers anymore so email if you can hang out!

1 comment:

diana said...

shit sandwich! absolutely. korean boys are spoiled enough... good to tell their parents their boys aren't perfect after all.

you know what would be awesome? if the sister was doing better in the class than the brother LOL.