Friday, 18 April 2008

Quiz Legend!

Pub quiz has become a central part of my social life here in Seoul. It started in the fall and that's how my friend Steve and I became friends. First, we were rivals (much shit-talking ensued on our Facebook walls) then we formed Team Chillax (we're now the HBC Massif). Sometime last winter one of us thought, hey! I bet we can write a pretty decent quiz. We talked to the manager of the bar and we did our first quiz right before I left for the States. It was a success, we were asked back, that was even better and now we do it once every three weeks. On our off weeks, we usually come in about 3rd place.

Steve and I split the writing responsibility down the middle and then switch off who reads. Here's the thing: the reader gets free beer all night. I get really nervous and drink a little fast so usually by the third round, I'm flat out drunk.

This week, it was my turn and oh, boy! I couldn't say the word "archipelago"to save my life in the 4th round and I don't think I'm going to hear the end of that for a long, long time.

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