Sunday, 8 March 2009


As my dear readers know, I recently signed a new contract with my school, keep me in Seoul for about 16 more months, give or take a month. I decided I needed a change in my living situation if I was going to be here that long and lo and behold, friends of mine were leaving an awesome apartment. I snapped it up and in five days, I move into a apartment that has not only an oven but...hold on to your britches!...a dryer. I have not had dryer-fresh clothes since I was in the States, over a year ago. Oh, it's going to be heavenly.

The only bad part of all this is that I have to pack up two years worth of stuff. I came to Korea with a backpack and a large duffle bag. Now, I have everything you can think of. Kitchen stuff, tons of shoes/clothes/bags, a Rubenesque cat. I haven't moved in over two years (for me, that's a long long time) and I've gotten out of the habit.

One funny thought, though. As I pack things away, I find myself flicking away wall hangings that are no longer there and things like that. This apartment is incredibly familiar to me but when I first came to Seoul, I thought everything was so foreign, so different that I'd never get used to it. Ha.

1 comment:

Daydream Believer said...

I cannot believe you're staying over there for another freaking year! Will I ever see you again?! I have a blog now. Please be a follower. It's a pretty cool place...