I've got a pretty sweet European vacation planned for this summer and in order to make it happen, I've got to buckle down and save hard core. Then, after I return, I'm going to have to save for Montessori school tuition so there's no going back to the carefree days of spending that characterized my first year in Korea.
I knew this on a certain level but it really hit home today. I get paid on Monday and I was doing my financial planning for the month and holy shit, it was grim. It occurred to me that this is how it's going to be every month from here on out. I'm 28 damn years old and it's high time I learn how to save.
I must keep in mind that saving will let me do cool stuff, like go to Norway and hang out in Gent for a beer festival. I think the key is learning to spend intelligently so I don't have to eat ramen and be depressed but learn how to stretch my dollars (or rather won). Oooh, now it seems like an adventure!
The eating this is going...well...argh. It's totally bringing me down, writing out all my food intake.
RANDOM ASIDE: I am totally jamming out to Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger on my super hi-tech headphones. It's incredible though difficult to dance because I'm attached to my computer. I love Daft Punk.
Back to food. Yeah, so I am thinking more about what I eat for sure but I am dreading the end of the three months, when I have to "recast" my stomach. Eek. The main benefit from this book is all the water I'm drinking. I am now having a glass right before I go to bed and right when I wake up, while I wait for my coffee to brew. I already feel the difference. Last night, I had a few too many "digestifs" after dinner and usually I feel like poo the next day but no such problem today.
RANDOM ASIDE #@: Last night was a perfect example of accidentally drunk. I get made fun of for saying that but seriously, it was completely on accident last night and just one of the many times I've stumbled into fun. When you're Nicole Fox, the good times are plentiful.
Monday is the day I go back to the gym. I am excited and eager to get running. Let's hope this lasts!
RANDOM ASIDE #3: Daft Punk has lead to Justice and now I'm rocking out to Let There Be Light. If you haven't heard their album, it's time you get off your ass and get it.
And now, your moment of zen:
Good luck to you, young Jedi. How the eff did we become 28?!!
I am a little confused. What do you mean by saving for a Montessori school tuition? Also, what do you mean by recasting your stomach? It sounds painful.
I will definitely check out Justice.
Montessori training, as in becoming a Montessori teacher. And recasting your stomach is just getting yourself used to smaller portions and better food...not too painful :)
Thank you for the clarifications. It's so cool that you are going to become a part of the elite Montessori squad. Teach on, sister, teach on!
For the record, the whole stomach recasting thing still does not seem appealing to me.
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