Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Art of Travel

I just read this amazing book, "The Art of Travel" by Alain de Botton. Seriously, I cannot put into words how much I love this book.

It was recommended to me a while ago by my old flatmate Justin. He spent over a year traveling around Asia and I was talking to him about how nervous I was to go on my big trip. He told me to read this book to calm down but alas, in the crunch to get out of Seoul, I didn't get a chance.

A few weeks ago, I was at the local foreign bookstore and I saw it and bought it right away. I have been known to devour books but this one I took my sweet time and savored it for two whole weeks.

De Botton divided the book into sections and he uses different artist/writers to illustrate his points. It felt like he was reading my journal at some points. De Botton nailed so many of the feelings you get when traveling. I especially loved his chapter on the sublime and on beauty.

I have been taking some of his points to heart and trying to treat my city like I'm a tourist here, appreciating new things and really looking at the beauty here. It's paid off already. I was in a cab going across the river the other night and the lights of the building reflecting off the water was beautiful and stayed in my mind for days after. I live in such a vibrant city full of all sorts of cool stuff, I really should be more open to experiences here. Seoul used to be so foreign and "other" to me and now it's just ho-hum. Time to shake that off!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

And A Very Merry Drunken Lent To You!

If we look back through the mists of time, all the way back to Feb/March 2003, we will find precedent to the current situation.

What is that situation, you ask? Nicole is inebriated during Lent.

Why is she inebriated during the traditional time for Catholics to abstain from their favorite things, you ask? Because she gave up beer and is now drinking wine.

All joking aside, I really do love the idea behind Lent and I practice it without irony. It's 40 days a year during which you abstain from things you love.

(Side note: some interpret it as abstaining from "vices" but I think that is taking a rather dim view of the matter. God is not about stopping you from biting your nails. Give up something you love whether it is good for you or not. Jesus DID go into a desert for 40 days and he didn't just stop leaving dishes in the sink.)

This year, I am giving up beer and going to my favorite Korean restaurant. That is a pretty big sacrifice as I go to this place at least 3 times a week and it's healthy and cheap. Hopefully, this will force me to cook more and learn Korean recipes for my favorite dishes.

Lent is also about prayer and service so I'll be hauling ass to Mass on Sundays and volunteering around town. It's all about winter/spring death/renewal, man.

Ash Wednesday and the Korean lunar new year all happened in the same week, which I feel is very auspicious. My hippie friend Maria is calling this year "2000-zen" and I think she's on to something.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

새해 복 많이 받으세요!

Happy Year of the Tiger to everyone!

I am will be celebrating the traditional way. Today, I am going to clean my house and bin all of the excess crap I've accumulated over the year. Tomorrow, I will make a lovely meal to share with friends at our Crafternoon and on Monday, I will take a walk and think about the past year and what I want to accomplish this year.

Maybe I've been living in Asia too long or maybe it's because this is when the school year ends, but this feels more like a proper new year than January 31st. Go figure.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Alexander McQueen...sigh

Now I really feel like a dick. Right after writing an eulogy to my iPod, an actual person I respected and greatly admired died.

I'm talking about Alexander McQueen, designer and absolute visionary of fashion. When I read the news this morning, I actually gasped and teared up, something I have done only once for a celebrity death.

(That was Molly Ivins.)

He was (is?) one of my favorite designers and I think he was a genius, without a doubt. Not only did he have an amazing artistic vision, but he had the tailoring skills to make it look impeccable. Even when I hated something he came out with, I still appreciated the craftsmanship and intent.

Someone commented on Jezebel that she showed her boyfriend one of McQueen's collections and her boyfriend said "Oh, wow. Fashion IS art." I know Alexander McQueen, and haute couture in general, isn't for everyone. I can see the arguments that its a waste of money on clothes that serve no function. I don't see it that way, to me it is art and art doesn't have to have a reason. It makes me sad, so incredibly sad, that his lastest collection is his last ever. We'll never see what crazy thing the "enfant terrible" will pull out next.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Requiem for an iPod

Before I start this, I want everyone to know that I am fully aware of how ridiculous it is that I was so emotionally attached to this iPod. I know!

I took a cab to work today because I was running really late (it was snowing, I didn't want to go in, yada yada) and I was listening to my iPod, Darth Vader, to prevent carsickness. I skipped a song on my morning play list and I didn't put DV back all the way in my pocket. When I got out of the cab, it must have fallen out and I didn't notice until I finally realized there was no music coming out of my headphones (I hadn't had my coffee yet, don't judge!)

There I was, in the middle of a Paris Baguette, willing myself not to burst into tears. I bought my breakfast in a daze then headed to the Coffee Bean and while I waited for them to pour my coffee, that's when it really hit me that Darth Vader was gone and the tears came.

Now, I understand that he was just an iPod but the fact that I call him "he" shows the level of attachment. I remember buying him at the IPark electronics section after my old mini, Smurfette, died. Darth went everywhere with me, to work, on walks, lately on runs, on hikes, etc. etc. He was an adventures little guy.

Darth Vader's first trip with me was to Fukuoka, Japan. He ended up going to the States, India (twice!), Nepal, Vietnam, Turkey, Belgium, Costa Rica, and Belize. He made it all the way around the world! It kills me that he's not going out in a blaze of glory like the man/machine he was named after. Such an ignoble end. Sigh.

And the reason why Darth was so important to me is because I need music all the time. Music is an extremely important part of my life. I am passionate about my likes and dislikes, I like to have music on all the time, and it provides a soundtrack for my life. When you get the perfect music for the moment, it's awesome. I will never hear Fleetfoxes without thinking of the bus ride through the Nepalese mountains because the music and the scenery went so well together.

My third favorite movie ever is Almost Famous and my favorite line is from Russell. He's about to jump into a pool from the roof of the garage and he's asked what his last words will be. After waffling a bit, he decides on "I dig music." That sums it up so perfectly. I dig music and my iPod is a lifeline.

So it follows that I immediately bought a new iPod touch this afternoon, making me iPod-less for about 6 hours. Her name is "터치" which is pronounced "tuh-chee" which of course means "touch." Hehe. I am currently filling her up with all my favorite K-Pop tunes. I forsee many adventures together with her.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Crazy Lady at the Gym, Part 2

Oh dude. I went in for my run on Sunday at about 11 am and the gym was pretty much empty except for a few old ladies. I went on the treadmill next to one of the adjummas because I knew it had all the good TV channels. I flipped through while doing a warm-up walk and I found Liverpool vs Bolton. I was super stoked since I hadn't looked at the score yet and I figured it would be a great distraction while I ran.

Well, yes and no.

Liverpool's season has been shit and while they ended up winning this match, it was not done in such a style as to impress a fan. To make matters worse, I am a very passionate supporter and I'm used to watching games in bars, where one can shout at the TV as much as they want because everyone else is, too. As some of you may have seen on my facebook profile, I was screaming obscenities at the screen while I was running and wearing my headphones. I got a LOT of looks from the little adjumma next to me but try as I might, I could not stop these outbursts. I am so not allowed to watch Liverpool on the treadmill anymore.

But it did distract me and I had a great run!

Adding this video. Oh my ass, so cute!