Before I start this, I want everyone to know that I am fully aware of how ridiculous it is that I was so emotionally attached to this iPod. I know!
I took a cab to work today because I was running really late (it was snowing, I didn't want to go in, yada yada) and I was listening to my iPod, Darth Vader, to prevent carsickness. I skipped a song on my morning play list and I didn't put DV back all the way in my pocket. When I got out of the cab, it must have fallen out and I didn't notice until I finally realized there was no music coming out of my headphones (I hadn't had my coffee yet, don't judge!)
There I was, in the middle of a Paris Baguette, willing myself not to burst into tears. I bought my breakfast in a daze then headed to the Coffee Bean and while I waited for them to pour my coffee, that's when it really hit me that Darth Vader was gone and the tears came.
Now, I understand that he was just an iPod but the fact that I call him "he" shows the level of attachment. I remember buying him at the IPark electronics section after my old mini, Smurfette, died. Darth went everywhere with me, to work, on walks, lately on runs, on hikes, etc. etc. He was an adventures little guy.
Darth Vader's first trip with me was to Fukuoka, Japan. He ended up going to the States, India (twice!), Nepal, Vietnam, Turkey, Belgium, Costa Rica, and Belize. He made it all the way around the world! It kills me that he's not going out in a blaze of glory like the man/machine he was named after. Such an ignoble end. Sigh.
And the reason why Darth was so important to me is because I need music all the time. Music is an extremely important part of my life. I am passionate about my likes and dislikes, I like to have music on all the time, and it provides a soundtrack for my life. When you get the perfect music for the moment, it's awesome. I will never hear Fleetfoxes without thinking of the bus ride through the Nepalese mountains because the music and the scenery went so well together.
My third favorite movie ever is Almost Famous and my favorite line is from Russell. He's about to jump into a pool from the roof of the garage and he's asked what his last words will be. After waffling a bit, he decides on "I dig music." That sums it up so perfectly. I dig music and my iPod is a lifeline.
So it follows that I immediately bought a new iPod touch this afternoon, making me iPod-less for about 6 hours. Her name is "터치" which is pronounced "tuh-chee" which of course means "touch." Hehe. I am currently filling her up with all my favorite K-Pop tunes. I forsee many adventures together with her.
I just said a silent prayer for you and DV. :-(
I am sorry for your loss. I still remember when Fat Bastard died. Now that was a tragedy. I'm sure that you will build some new memories with you new-pod. (I do not have Korean characters on my keyboard, so I cannot type the actual name.)
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