Sunday 11 February 2007

R.I.P. Substance Free February

It went from Substance Free Feb to Alcohol Free Feb.

Then it went to "Two Drinks a Night" Feb because it's the second month of the year...number 2...made sense at the time.

Finally, last night, it was "Who am I kidding?" February and I drank a bottle of wine and had some sweet sweet Canadian IPA.

Hey, I tried. I also lasted 10 days, which is a week longer than last year so yay progress!

Also, I beat Justin and that's what really counts :)

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Alcohol Free February!

Yes, it's that time of year again...Alcohol Free February has reared it's ugly head. For those of you not familiar, every February, I try to abstain from alcohol to give my poor liver a rest. Most years I'm dunzo by Feb. 4th or so but this year, it's Feb. 6th and I'm still going strong.

The same cannot be said of everyone. I finally came across someone who is worse at this than I am. I received a text at 8:59 pm on Friday, Feb. 2nd from R. Justin Brooks giving me the time and date of surrender. Pathetic.

Sobriety means things like I don't sleep through half of Sunday and I actually get things done. This Sunday, I went to Insadong with Craig, Sunah and Justin. It's the "artsy" neighborhood in Seoul and one of my favorite places so far. It's gotten more touristy but it still has some really cool traditional calligrahpy and paper stores. We found this one antique shop that has all sorts of random odds and ends, like a huge wooden pipe that looks like a dragon making out with a woman. At another place, there were little buddha figures that had explicit sexual positions on the bottom.

The best part of the day, though, was the delicious makerel that we had for lunch. The best thing about eating out in Korea is the side dishes and this meal had the best ding dang tofu and seafood stew this side of the Pacific. Yum!