Wednesday 21 March 2007

Shana in Seoul!

Holy crap, it's only 5 more days until La Shawnduh Mother Effin' Robinson lands in Seoul and I am so excited! Not only is she bringing me essentials like bras and beer, but she herself will be here for almost two weeks. That gives us plenty of time to make sure Seoul will never be the same again. Ho Bars 1-4, here we come!

My bad for not updating in...oops, a month and a half. Lots to do here in Seoul and I've been doing it. I finally have a good schedule so I'm working 4 days a week for about 6 hours a day and so I've got time to actually do stuff (except write blog entries, apparently). Been doing lots of shopping, redecorated my room here, ordering boots, etc. etc. I've also been taking the time to work on something near and dear to me, which is of course perfecting my nap-taking skills.

But really, I've done some productive stuff...I just can't think of it right now. It is nice, though, to be able to have this time after the craziness of my summer/fall last year. It's hard to believe that it's been almost 5 months since Nov. 7th and I've been in Seoul for nearly 4. It's crazy that most things here are now routine. That's not to say I'm totally adjusted or over homesickness but Seoul is now almost as familiar to me as Seattle. Madness!