Monday, 4 May 2009

Long Weekend....assah!

Read it and weep, suckas. I am in the middle of a three day weekend and it is glorious. It's Children's Day on Tuesday so in exchange for working Saturday, I got Monday off and my stupid flatmate has to work tomorrow and I can't wait to wave him off to work and then go to a bbq. HA!

I've spent the weekend doing pretty much nothing. Yesterday, I went to a park to play kickball and drink Japanese beer. After, I headed off to a bbq and subsequently got drunk enough to agree to norae bang. At some point, I decided that it was going to be a makkoli night and it went rapidly downhill from there.

Today, I've nursed my hangover, made some cookies (they turned out shitty because Joel bough crappy butter), opened a bank account, bought travel speakers, and ate at Taco Taco Chili Fun Time (not real name).

Sports day at the school was fun but exhausting. I was there all damn day and little kids take so much out of you but my school has such a sense of community and the kiddies were so happy to show off for their parents.

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