Saturday, 23 May 2009

Mulgogi Highting!

That is what I chant to myself when I'm doing my laps at the local pool. Mulgogi is "fish" (literally, water meat. Ha!) and "highting!" is a Korean cheer for sporting events (supposed to be "fighting" but them and their F sounds....)

Anyhow, yes, I am back in the pool after a long hiatus but I need to get in shape for the 8 day trek I want to do in Nepal. I'm three months out (holy crap!!!!!!!) and totally out of shape so here we are. A large reason I stopped going last year were the adjumas hogging up the slow lane and doing shit like just floating while people were trying to do laps. So far so good on that front.

The best benefit of swimming is how damn well I sleep. As some of you know, I've been having sleep problems for the past 7 months (haven't slept through the night in that entire time) and last night, I slept for a solid 6 hours and now I feel AWESOME! Absolutely loving it.

So yes, three months out from the Big Trip! I just bought my flight from Delhi to Kathmandu, the very first plan I've made. I've decided that I'm going to do Nepal first and spend about 2.5 weeks there and 3.5 weeks going through northwestern India. There is so much I want to see, 6 weeks isn't enough! Waaah, and my diamond shoes are too tight! But really, it has been a bit stressful trying to decide what my priorities are and budgeting and blah blah blah. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

diana said...

having suffered from insomnia for the past six months on and off, i totally sympathize. what works for me are (either separately or combined) exercise, yoga (which kinda isn't exercise, but kinda is), and if i don't sleep for a week then an ambien. sometimes i cut the pill in half and that works well enough too. no more than three in a week though. and i won't take them more than one week in a row because i'm afraid of getting dependent. i want real, nonchemically induced sleep.

are you too hot? too cold? room too noisy? thinking about random crap and your brain won't shut the hell down (my problem)? i haven't found the solution yet, but if you find it, be sure to tell me.