My name is Nicole Fox and I am a Korean Pop Addict.
Yes, it's true. The clearest symptom of my Stockholm syndrome is my un-ironic, unabashed love for K-Pop. Example 1 Example 2 and Example 3
I don't know how it came to this but it started as a joke between my co-worker Charles and I. Our first summer working together, we got off work at 3 pm and on Fridays (and sometimes Wednesdays...and sometimes Thursdays...etc.) we'd be at the pub by 4. We would harass this one bartender we hated by requested Big Bang's Lies, which was insanely popular at the time. At some point in time, Chas turned to me and said "I actually like this song" and I said "me too!!!" and all our shame was gone.
This summer was the Summer of Sorry Sorry. The Super Junior song blew up big time in Korea. All my preschoolers knew it and could do the dance, you could not avoid it. My friend introduced it to me via youtube and I became totally obsessed with it.
Charles and I are currently all about Girl's Generation. We love both Gee and 소원을 말해봐 (Genie). We can sing along in Korean (much to the amusement of the teachers at our school). It's really really sad/hilarious when we get all liquored up and demand bars play it and then dance around like lunatics.
And that is my confession. Carry on...
OMG, I would kill to see you and your pal requesting this at the pub. Maybe Korean pop will spread to America and you can call into TRL and request it!
This is so reminiscent of your clandestine love for N’SYNC. (I'll never forget THAT confession!)Let’s face it, Foxy, you are totally a sucker for choreographed dance moves and a catchy hook. :)
And Jamie, she does know ALL of the moves. I was able to witness a performance firsthand in Turkey. It was impressive.
I really hope you guys clicked on those links. Amazing stuff.
Such a K-pop pusher...
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