I am taking a page out of Jamie's book and writing my "Things To Do Before I Die" list (I refuse to call it that other name!)
1. Climb Mt. Fuji
I am planning to do that this summer so I thought I'd put something I'm going to do soon on the top of the list :)
2. Live for at least a year in each continent (except Antarctica, obviously)
Not sure how realistic this is, especially when (not if, dang it) I meet that special someone and have children but I'd like to try. Well, actually...North America and Asia are out of the way, I plan to move to Europe in 2012...that would only leave Australasia, South American and Africa...hmmm.
3. Run a marathon
Especially one for a good cause
4. Take a major trip with my sisters
Travel is a huge part of my life and I'd love to share that with Gaby and Lexi
5. Have at least 2 babies
6. Visit Norway and El Salvador
I've been Mexico, were Abuelo Fox grew up, several times. Mom's mom grew up in SF and obviously I've been there. Grandpa Thor (mom's dad) is from Bergen, Norway and Abuela Fox is from San Salvador, ES so I'd like to go to those two cities and see where they came from.
7. Visit South Africa, Egypt, Tibet (but only when the Chinese leave), Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Italy, Austria, Germany, Russia, Croatia, and Poland.
Just because I want to see them
8. Write my memoirs, Nicole Fox and the Gentle Art of Living
That's all I can think of at the moment but I've given myself a lot to work with.
Omg! I cannot believe I forgot this one:
9. See Liverpool play live. That's been a dream for years. I swear, the cats are stealing my brain cells while I sleep.
let's plan a marathon to meet up and run together. I have run one, but can't find the motivation to run #2.
Living in all(most) of the continents...What an insanely awesome goal!
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